Friday, January 21, 2011

The Truth about High Blood Pressure

Blood vessels come in two types – Arteries and Veins.  The root of the word artery comes from the Greek word “Ares” the God of war also known as Mars.  The root of the word vein comes from the Goddess and planet Venus, also known as Aphrodite.  Mars/Ares is the symbol of all that is aggressive, active and warlike. Venus/Aphrodite is the nurturer, the giver of the harvest and the feminine forces.  This symbolic balance of masculine and feminine, active and passive, giver and receiver are embodied within the blood flow of our arteries and veins.  The blood is actively pumped out to the body through the arteries, delivering oxygen and other nutrients to the cells.  The blood returns passively back to the heart through the veins.

High blood pressure often occurs when the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system becomes excessive in the arteries or when the masculine qualities of aggressiveness, domination and anger become too strong and begin to overwhelm the more feminine and nurturing aspects of our nature.  We all know that neither force is bad, except when one over-powers the other.  The masculine and feminine should work together for proper balance and health. Arteries and veins are designed to nourish and support each other.  When the forceful tendencies of Ares/Mars wins outs, hypertension or high blood pressure can result, which is typically a male disease.  When the passive nature and impulses of Venus/Aphrodite dominate, the result is often sluggish venous circulation resulting the swollen, congested, painful condition of varicose veins. This is more typically seen in women. 

Botticelli’s painting of Venus standing on a clamshell as she arrives at the isle of Crete is full of hidden symbolism.  Crete was the ancient world’s richest supplier of the mineral copper.  Shellfish are also a naturally high source of dietary copper.  The mineral copper as found in foods such as shellfish and herbs such as chamomile has long been valued to release tension and spasms in the central nervous system or counteract the nature of Mars (aggression, anger, etc.).  Balancing the body by providing the proper nutritional building blocks will also work on stabilizing mental and emotional imbalances. This method can also safely stabilize the blood pressure into a healthy range. 

Another consideration you should be aware of is that medically established normal ranges for blood pressure as well as cholesterol are continuing to drop.  Years ago when I was in chiropractic school (and this goes for medical schools as well), acceptable blood pressure was considered 140/90 or 100 plus the persons age over 90.  This means that a person who is 65 years old would acceptably have blood pressure of 165/90.  It is normal and even considered healthy that your blood pressure will rise naturally and gradually, as you get older.  Today’s blood pressure standards have lowered to 120/70 in some doctor’s offices and in my opinion far too many people are put on to medications which create undesirable side effects, (such as erectile dysfunction in men, which has spurned the phenomenal sale of drugs like Viagra).  Is it just me or does it seem like many people are taking drugs or medications to offset the side effects created by another drug?

Most people diagnosed with high blood pressure are put on a low-salt, low-fat diet.  This may produce good results initially, however lower blood pressure will not be sustained by following this type of diet, which is not satisfying and difficult to stay on.  There has been a good deal of talk in the media lately regarding the dangers of trans-fats and hydrogenated fats.  Science has finally validated what many of us have been preaching for years, namely that when science and industry alters a food it is made less healthy.  Natural sources of fat (animals) and natural oils (olive and coconut) have really received a lot of bad press over the past 40 to 50 years and now we have found that nature has been right on all along.  The fat that is found in naturally raised animals (that means feeding them the food they were designed to eat – grass for cattle, bugs and grass with limited grain for chickens, no drugs, hormones, chemicals, etc.) is in fact very healthy and important for the development and maintenance of your brain, nervous system and much much more.  And for the fat fearing consumer, the irony is that these natural, healthy sources of fat will help you to lose weight by triggering the centers in your brain that tell you to stop eating because you are full.  By eating low-fat diet foods or foods with non-natural fats, the brain does not recognize these foreign substances (I don’t even want to call them foods) and so the tendency is to overeat. 

Recommendations to obtain and maintain healthy blood pressure


Forget the typical high blood pressure diet that recommends low-salt, low-fat, however you must avoid processed food especially staying away from hydrogenated and trans fats and commercial salt.

Salt Intake

Salt and the minerals it contains are important for good digestion, we recommend avoiding processed salt and using liberally Celtic sea salt.  Here is the rationale.  Commercially processed salt is refined so that it is primarily the minerals sodium and chloride.  Iodine is often added.  When our bodies are in need of minerals, a mechanism is triggered in the brain that tells you “I want something salty”.  What the body is asking for is NOT only sodium and chloride, but it is usually asking for the full range of mineral salts that are depleted during normal metabolism.  Notice the salty taste of your sweat or tears.  That salt contains the exact mineral balance that is found in the salt of the ocean or sea.  When you lose salt from your body, it makes sense to replenish the body with the same minerals in the same ratios that they occur in nature.  When you take in to your body commercially processed salt, you create an imbalance of the minerals your body needs, too much sodium, too much chloride, not enough potassium, magnesium, etc.  So how does your body ask for more potassium?  That’s right, “give me something salty to eat”.  And by eating processed salt, the imbalance becomes greater.  Medical tests will confirm that you have way too much sodium, so you better lay off the salt.  When in reality, you may have too much sodium, but what they don’t check for is that you are severely depleted of the other mineral.  I have had many patients lower and stabilize their high blood pressure simply by switching and using Celtic sea salt (and don’t be shy about using as much as your body asks for).


Plenty of appropriate fats from natural sources such as healthy naturally raised animals
Beef, lamb and chicken – must be grass-fed, no antibiotics, no hormones – 
avoid grocery store discount varieties
Coconut oil, virgin olive oil, butter and cream from grass-fed cattle (cattle that are fed a diet of grain and not their natural diet of grass have higher omega-6 fats and lower omega-3 fats.  The omega-3 fats are the good ones we want to have more of, which are high in GRASS-fed beef and dairy products).
Bone Broths – simmer beef or chicken bones for 12 – 24 hours to release the minerals for rich broths that are oh so healthy and taste amazing.
Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, lettuces (eat many wonderful varieties), etc.
Fruits and Vegetables – Raw and organic and abundant 
Liver and Shellfish – once per week is ideal for the circulation healthy nutrients in these meats.
Lacto-fermented beverages generally these are homemade – quite easy to make once you do it a couple of times.  They are so healthy providing abundant probiotics (the good bacteria), will help to hydrate your cells, particularly if you suffer from edema or swelling.  Do a web search on lacto-fermented beverages.  My family enjoys delicious homemade ginger-ale and Root beers that taste wonderful and are very healthy.

Herbal supplement are also an important part of balancing blood pressure. 

Copper-containing Chamomile flower extract can be taken 1 to 2 teaspoons per day.
Western Botanicals’ Vascular Support Formula is also recommended 2 dropperfuls 3X daily
Kidney-Bladder Formula and/or Kidney-Bladder Tea should be used daily for edema or swelling –
3 capsules twice daily or 3 – 4 cups of tea daily.  This is a pleasant tasting tea.
Hawthorn Berry Syrup, Cardio Plus or Heart Formula should be considered by those who also have heart concerns.  Take as directed.
The natural supplement Chondroitin Sulfate has been shown to protect the heart and greatly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Earth’s Nutrition or Bountiful Blend are important supplements that should be taken to ensure that you are getting a well balanced whole-food source of your vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.  Take once or twice daily. 

For Varicose veins we have seen phenomenal success with the herb Horse Chestnut Extract.  However don’t expect fast results.  You need to commit to 2 dropperfuls twice daily for at least a full year.

Often the person with high blood pressure has become toxic and it is necessary to go through our 4-week Cleansing Programs.  Begin with the Colon Cleanse Program – this program will take two weeks.  Follow with the Liver-Gallbladder Flush for 7 days, then the Kidney-Bladder Flush for 7 days.  Finally, the Blood Detox Formula is taken 1 to 2 capsules twice daily for a couple of weeks.  While this gentle cleaning program takes a little effort for a short time, the benefits, the mental clarity and the weight loss are well worth it.  The programs do not require that you fast or adopt a diet other than a healthy whole food diet as described above.

 Exercise should be of a nature that is non-competitive, relaxing and inspiring such as yoga or tai chi that incorporates movement with breathing.

Meditation or introspection exercises has proven to be very beneficial.  If you are someone with firm convictions or beliefs, take an issue that you are passionate about and argue verbally or in writing for the other side.  This will increase your flexibility, teach you that the truth does not lie in absolutes and help you to live more easily with opposites.

Remember that high blood pressure is a symptom that things in your life are out of balance.  By following recommendations that will create balance and harmony, this symptom will no longer be necessary.  While managing symptoms through medications is at times necessary, the long term consequences of manipulating the symptom, while continuing in the lifestyle that caused the symptom will not lead you down the path of health.

Blessings of love and gratitude,

Kyle D. Christensen, DC, ND, MH

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