Friday, January 21, 2011

Liver Gallbladder Flush

The liver is responsible for handling most of our energy needs.  It takes raw building blocks from food and breaks it down into basic nutritional components.  The liver creates and stores sugars for both immediate and long-term energy use.  If the liver is congested or diseased it will not receive or send out enough blood sugar and your energy will drop. Chronic lack of energy, especially after meals, could be the result of a sluggish liver.
            The liver is also vital in detoxifying and neutralizing toxins within the body, particularly as nutrients are absorbed from the digestive tract.  Because our environment is full of stressful chemicals, such as food additives, preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, etc., it is vital that we have a healthy functioning liver.  A periodic Liver Flush, in addition to a healthy lifestyle can greatly benefit our overall health.
            We strongly recommend doing the Colon Cleanse Program before beginning the liver flush.  As the name implies, a flush will wash and cleanse the tissues of the body, so expect that you’ll make frequent trips to the bathroom.  The herbs in this cleansing program not only help to eliminate waste and toxins from the liver and gallbladder but also help to build and strengthen these organs to help them function more efficiently. This is a one week program designed to flush, cleanse and strengthen the liver and gallbladder.  The program consists of 3 parts, the morning drink, the tea and the herbal extract.  Avoid this program if pregnant or nursing.

The Liver Flush Program
Begin each morning with the following drink:
In a blender mix the following:
8 ounces of organic orange, apple or grape juice.
8 ounces of distilled water
1 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic
1 to 4 Tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil.
1 small (1/4 to 1”) piece of fresh ginger root.
*begin by blending garlic & ginger in a small amount of the liquid to thoroughly macerate before adding the rest of the ingredients. (this will eliminate “chunks”)

·      Make six to eight cups of the Liver Detox Tea.  You may sweeten with pure maple syrup, raw honey or stevia.  Drink all of this tea each day.  Make the tea as per the directions on the bag.

·    Use Western Botanicalsä Liver-Gallbladder Formula 2 to 4 dropperfuls 3 or 4 times during the day.  You may add this tincture to your tea as you drink it.

·    Do a castor oil fomentation over the liver for 90 minutes warming with a heating pad every other day.  This will help to pull toxicity from the liver and assist with the detox process.

·      Continue eating a healthy diet consisting of organic foods including:  fresh vegetables, fruit, raw milk, pasture-fed beef, lamb, poultry and eggs, traditional lacto-fermented foods and properly prepared whole grains.  All of your food must be free from harmful chemicals and residues.  For more information on traditional health building diet go to

Follow this program for 7 to 10 consecutive days.

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